We love Kelly Nech and she is the glue that keeps Enid Disc Golf Club together. Flight Farm pro shop couldn’t be open without her efforts like making shirts, paying taxes and keeping Bad Chad sane.
Welcome to the 2022 Flight Farm team Kelly!

This is Craig’s 2nd season with Flight Farm and it’s no surprise we are thrilled he is back again for the 2022 season. What a great ambassador for disc golf and for our brand.
Welcome back Craig Winters!

Selling discs, designing and building courses, custom stamping, coaching you name it this guy does it around Flight Farm.
Welcome back Chad!

Jason Winkel has been a player, course designer, club president, tournament director and more recently one of the best disc dyers in the sport with Bull Winkel Dyes.
Welcome to the 2022 Flight Farm team Jason!

Dustin is an Enid OK native and Flight Farm local. He is always willing to help out new players and has helped flag, paint, measure and throw the Meadowlake DGC.
PDGA 142662
Favorite Course Meadowlake
Favorite Disc Innova Destroyer
Welcone to the team Dustin!

Colton works at Dynamic Distribution and is playing in the Council Grove, KS. Local scene. We always enjoy getting encouraging notes in our disc orders from Colton and look forward to his 2022 season.
PDGA 159271
Favorite Course Jones East
Favorite Disc Latitude 64 Rive
Welcome to the team Colton!

Jacob has been helping with the high school club and an event in the Spring in Osage City, KS. We are excited about this young man’s future and look forward to helping him with any events or disc needs.
PDGA is 135279
Favorite Course Peter Pan
Favorite Disc DD Lucid X Getaway
Welcome to the Flight Farm team Jacob!

Cary is new to the team this year but has already been making an impact on the sport in Ada, OK. where he’s been helping build the course at Wintersmith park. We look forward to helping Cary with anything he needs to continue being a great ambassador.
PDGA 188763
Favorite Course Zboaz
Favorite Disc Westside Discs Underworld
Welcome to the team Cary!

Joe is our team Pro and enters the 22 season as the highest rated player for Flight Farm. We look forward to supporting his newest journey in life, a move to Indiana.
PDGA 101758
Favorite Course Clover Cliff Ranch
Favorite Disc DD Justice
Welcome to team Flight Farm Joe!